
The road to educational equity


Equity in education has taken various meanings over the years. It initially focused on the financial background of students defining them as rich or poor. However, equity has shifted from race, religion, and gender to learning capabilities. Students should be treated equally with equal access to opportunities.

The question then arises, how can equity in education be created to incorporate auditory, visual, and tactile students’ learning capabilities in one classroom? The key is how we manage assessment. Digital assessment is a tool for digging deeper, thus finding the root cause of a problem. Manual assessment is challenging to use to reach a solid conclusion on a student’s capability quickly. Hence, applying AI to digital assessment can quickly identify the student’s strengths. It does that by tracing behavior patterns students exhibit when tackling questions that challenge different focal points. Teachers can improve students’ learning abilities by using this information. In turn, the student’s confidence improves until opportunities in their field of strength are within their reach. The learning field becomes level for students. Is this achievable? What other steps can help with equity in education? What would you say?


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