
Coming Back Stronger

Why is Resilience Important for Students? How to overcome a challenges with grades and bounce back stronger in time for Exams Once the challenge is overcome, a student must also carry out a self-analysis. The cause of the problem should be discovered, and the response analyzed.In the case of our example, the inadequate preparation was […]

Overcoming ‘THE’ Crisis

Why is Resilience Important for Students? That brings us to our second point. That brings us to our second point. Once the nerves are all settled, a resilient student will instinctively try and find ways to move on and overcome the challenge.So, for example, instead of being stuck up on how ill-prepared they are before […]

Coping with Challenges

Why is Resilience Important for Students Whether it’s the exam season, peer pressure, or fragile friendships and relationships, students face a plethora of challenges daily. Powering through these challenges requires a high level of mental and emotional fortitude. It is here that resilience comes into play.You see, instead of panicking, being overly emotional, or resorting […]

Think Positive

What Should I Do the Day Before an Exam? We understand the stress before an exam can be overwhelming. So, just take a deep breath and relax. Trust us, all those negative thoughts about not being well-prepared are just that. Mere thoughts. You’ve done a great job prepping for the big day, and you’ll do […]

Say No To Cramming

What Should I Do the Day Before an Exam? This brings us to our second point. We understand just how lucrative it is to cram up the entire syllabus a night before the exam. We’ve even come across students who live for the last-minute adrenaline rush. Sounds weird, we know. Well, don’t resort to such […]

Time to De Stress

What Should I Do the Day Before an Exam? Speaking of jogging, consider going on a run before exam day. This will help you get rid of the stress and elevate your mood. If you’re not a jog type person, you can also do some basic yoga or home exercises.You can even dance your heart […]

Take Care of Your Tummy

What Should I Do the Day Before an Exam While de-stressing will fortify your mental health, you must also fuel up your physical self. A healthy meal should do the trick here. Consider opting for a high-carb and protein diet before the exam. Also, keep the sugars to a minimum to stave off yourself from […]

A Good Night’s Rest

What Should I Do the Day Before an Exam A low-sugar diet will also help you sleep better. Taking a good night’s rest is perhaps the most important thing to do before an exam. This will ensure you wake up all refreshed.

Don’t Forget the Alarm

What Should I Do the Day Before an Exam You still must wake up, though. So, don’t forget to keep an alarm or two, or three or even ten. Consider asking a loved one to physically wake you up if you are a sound sleeper.

Bravo 6, Going Dark

What Should I Do the Day Before an Exam Lastly, it is also wise to go offline the day before an exam. This is especially important if a WhatsApp message from your bud is likely to distract you, or worse, stress you out.